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Aaron and Elle Munda

Rocking Teal for their Mommy


I Rock Teal for Scleroderma is a fundraising and awareness campaign started by the Munda family in 2014. In 2012 Mrs. Kristine Cruz-Munda was diagnosed with a rare and potentially fatal form of scleroderma, since then they have made it their mission to help spred the word about the disease. Thru social media, art, and fundraising campaigns. The Scleroderma Foundation has provided the Mundas access to doctors that are specialists in scleroderma as well as resources and support groups. In turn the Munda family has worked closely with the Foundation in volunteering for events, donating artwork, and creating campaigns and videos. 


The I Rock Teal for Scleroderma campaign aims at a younger audience and can easily be launched in youth oriented organizations like, schools, youth groups, scouts, and sports teams. Since most scleroderma patients are women who are diagnosed during their childbearing years, some are mothers, like Kristine, with school aged kids. If the campaign can reach out to those potential patients, lives will be changed. Fundraising can be done in many avenues for example: asking each student to bring in at least 1 dollar to their class and offering prizes to the highest donors. Business sponsors can also be asked to donate to the cause or to match the schools donation. If your school, organization, or business would like to hold an I Rock Teal for Scleroderma! campaign and fundraiser please contact us or your local Scleroderma Foundation chapter.

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